Our Services

Application Development

App Development and Maintenance

Today the Digital Technologies are disrupting the way the organisations are doing the business. Every customer needs the ease and speed, experience the innovative and intuitiveness, decision making at the speed of thought in every business. To complement the need of the hour for the customers Oxeylo’s Digital

Transformation Practice follows a typical approach to partner with them to understand the key business requirement, provide the phase wise approach to develop and implement the solution and nurture it for continuous improvement in the business processes to accelerate business benefits.

Our Application Development and Maintenance Services perform the below activities
  • Architecting and Blueprinting the Solution
  • Designing the Solution
  • Developing and Integration the Solution
  • Testing, Validating and Deploying the Solution
  • User Training and Adoption

Agile Process Methodology

Digital projects often begin with a set of broad business objectives and goals. Additionally, digital projects are very time-sensitive and require the ability to respond quickly to changes in the marketplace. Whether that means new browsers, new technologies, or new messaging, development teams have to be able to respond quickly. To mitigate against the risks of digital projects, our project managers follow the Scrum agile project management framework. Scrum framework helps project managers and production stakeholders address complex adaptive problems, while productively and creatively delivering products of the highest possible value.

Scrum makes clear the relative efficacy of your product management and work techniques so that you can continuously improve the product, the team, and the working environment. Scrum is described as lightweight, simple to understand, and difficult to master. Through their years of training and experience, our project managers have become professional practitioners of the Scrum framework.

For keeping the team on the same page and for timely status we conduct

1. Daily Standup Meetings

The project team members shall meet for approximately 15 minutes every day in order to answer the following three questions: what did I do yesterday? What am I going to do today? Are there any potential challenges today?

2. Sprint Planning Meetings

The team will gather to decide on the features that will make up the sprint.

3. Work Review Meetings

During this meeting, every member shall present what he/she has done during the sprint. They will organise a demonstration of the new features or a presentation of the architecture. This will be an informal meeting lasting for approximately 2 hours, which shall be attended by the entire team.

3. Retrospective Meetings

At the end of each sprint, the team shall analyse both successful and unsuccessful elements of their activities. During this meeting lasting between 15 and 30 minutes where everyone shall be invited to speak on their own behalf, a vote of confidence will be organised in order to decide on the improvements to be made.

This is a typical model we follow however we work closely with our client team to tailor the processes to align the process to deliver the solution cheaper, better and faster

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