Mobile Development Center of Excellence

Oxeylo Mobile  CoE is instrumental in helping client projects with architecture recommendations, designing robust solutions, positioning the available reusable artifacts, and ensuring rapid development.
COE also educates the delivery team about the best practices, standards, and best code optimization techniques to build the best-of-the-breed solution. CoE organizes technology evangelization programs, and technology training programs, facilitating POCs, and preparing for Certifications to keep the team abreast of niche technology platforms. This also helps in rapid prototyping/piloting the critical functionality in customer projects.
Mobile CoE expertises to develop mobile applications with Native, Hybrid and PWA architectures which are designed, developed and Deployed in iOS and Android platforms We have in depth expertise in mobile architectures native, hybrid and PWA and to integrate with backend legacy platforms

  • Native
    • Custom-built Code runs atop the mobile OS.
    • Access native features via native API
    • Native App is built using the native SDK

mobile development
mobile dev
  • Native Hybrid
    • Custom code runs atop the mobile OS and inside the mobile platform native WebView control.
    • Native App access features via API while web code uses the JavaScript API
    • Native App is built using SDKs and web app using HTML, CSS and JavaScript

  • Web Hybrid
    • Custom code runs inside the mobile platform native WebView control
    • App accesses native  feature via JavaScript bridge API
    • Apps are built using web technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)

mob development
  • Progressive Web App
    • Custom code executes in a browser
    • Access native features via browser API supported by the host browser
    • App is built using web technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)

  • The architecture profiles support all types of devices (e.g., phones and tablets) and all platforms (e.g., Android and iOS).
  •  Not all app architectures will support all mobile app requirements. Apps with a native hybrid architecture allow you to satisfy the greatest set of requirements, but this architecture is also the most complex of all the alternatives.
  • An app can be built with a specific type of architecture using several different types of frameworks. However, the architecture influences the framework decision. In other words, choosing and standardizing a framework can force us into a specific architecture.

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